"Mideer Level Up! Puzzle series, with 8 levels, is designed to stimulate children's intellectual development and brain activation. Each level increases the number of puzzle pieces, from simple...
"The Mideer Artist Puzzle series is designed to help children see a diverse world and discover more aspects of beauty through collaborations with artists from around the world. The puzzle pieces...
Paint with water - all in one box! Paints, colouring pages and brush in a compact package. All you need is a little water and you're ready to start drawing! Convenient to carry on the go, this...
The watercolour colouring book is designed to give children a full artistic experience. This versatile drawing set consists of a storybook, paints and a brush, making it perfect for young artists...
Paint with water - all in one box! Paints, colouring pages and brush in a compact package. All you need is a little water and you're ready to start drawing! Convenient to carry on the go, this...